Saturday, February 23, 2008

Jack's First Outing...

February 22, 2008

Today Jack had his first outing... we first traveled to see a lactation specialist so mommy could learn how to "properly" breastfeed after THREE full weeks, then we took him to his first restaurant (Stone Chase: they serve the BEST flat bread pizza) for lunch, then we took our first stroller ride around the neighborhood, and finally finished the evening off with his first visit to Target for a never ending supply of diapers! He did great, mostly sleeping through every adventure!! Unfortunately... this meant that he didn't sleep at ALL during the night and kept mommy & daddy up from 1 am till 11 am!!! Oh well... we are both so sleep deprived it doesn't really bother us. NOT... are you crazy...this no sleep thing is driving us CRAZY!!

Then Jack decided to pee all over mommy TWICE during the same diaper change... so we spent most of the wee early morning naked together because our favorite pj's were washing all night long!

All in all... it was a very eventful day together! We love our Jack Jack... and i love being a mommy!


Jessica said...

what about the pee catcher??? :-)

Amber said...

Aw...but he's oh so cute. Probably not so cute at 2 in the morning though. The first six weeks are the hardest. It will get better. I'm sure you know this already.

Glad you went to a lactation specialist. I've heard they can be quite helpful.
What??? No cabbage leaves? HA HA....MMM

Unknown said...

yeah... that pee catcher did NOT work at all! he is a fast little guy!!

No cabbage leaves for me... but mom's been recommending them from day ONE!! ha ha

love yall

Lexi said...

You've got to watch out for the speedy pee shots! Peyton got me really good one diaper change when he was only a few weeks old- he peed twice just like Baby Jack AND pooped all over the changing table. Yuck! That's a mess I hope I don't see for a long time! ;-) The funny thing about it is that he's nailed himself in the face and then got mad like WE had sprayed HIM with his own pee pee. Boys are funny!


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