Miss Liz turns 21 on Friday, so we took her out to dinner tonight at the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate her birthday early... and we even bought her this silly hat to wear. We just LOVE her and wish her the best of luck in California at her stylizing internship. We are going to miss her sooooo much:) After dinner we all sat on the couch to watch the American Idol Finale... and Jack was talking up a storm while snuggling in her arms. It was a fun night... it reminds me of the many nights Liz would spend the night so we could watch The Hills and do homework all night long. Ahhh, what great memories!!
So Jack has started teething this week AND sitting up on his own! We are excited, and yet sad that our poor little man has to experience tooth pain. I tried putting the wet washcloth in the freezer and he seems to like it in his mouth for about 2 minutes:) Does anyone have any good suggestions or remedies for teething??
Are you going for the non medicine approach? Cuz Tylenol always works well. Or baby orajel. I've found some kids deal with teething better than others. Ashlyn was a wreck while she teethed. Leah cut teeth and I didn't even notice. Good luck. He's getting so big.
Hey Jamie...I love teething tablets(at Walgreens or something). They are homeopathic so you can give them as often as necessary and they dissolve instantly on the gums. I also use tylenol when he is having a hard time sleeping. Chase is getting his teeth too...I feel your pain! Brandy
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